Selling House With Absence of Easement

An absence of easement means there is legal uncertainty about your right to access certain land around your property, and this type of home can be more difficult to sell.

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Your top questions when selling house with absence of easement

✅ What does it mean if there's an absence of easement at my property?

An easement refers to a legal right that you as a homeowner have to access land that you don’t own by your property, such as using a private access road. An absence of easement means that there is no documented legal proof that shows you have this right of access, and this situation can often make it more challenging to find a buyer for your property.

✅ What is my legal duty to tell potential buyers about my home's absence of easement?

You must honestly and fully disclose the absence of easement at your property during what’s known as the conveyancing process, when a prospective buyer’s solicitor will aim to collect as much information as possible about the home and any issues it might have. Failing to disclose the absence of easement could lead to you being sued for penalties at a later date.

✅ Why does the absence of easement make it more difficult to find a buyer for my home?

Prospective buyers and their solicitors or other legal representatives will have a number of questions and concerns about the absence of easement at your property that might discourage a sale. For example, buyers might worry that they’ll be blocked from accessing the land at issue, and solicitors could fear that a buyer will face legal challenges and costs for using the land.

✅ What solutions are there when selling a flat or house with an absence of easement?

One step you can take is to purchase an indemnity insurance policy that could help protect you and the next owner of your home against any legal costs associated with defending the ongoing use of the land at issue. Alternatively, you could consider selling your home to a quick buyer like LDN Properties that has plenty of experience with buying houses with an absence of easement.

✅ What are my options for selling a property that has an absence of easement?

You can choose from selling through an estate agent, selling at a property auction, selling without any help from either of these third parties, or selling to a quick buyer such as LDN Properties. Each of these methods have their own advantages and disadvantages based on time taken, costs and more that you should learn about before making a decision.

✅ What's the fastest option to sell a home with absence of easement?

The speediest way to sell any type of home is usually with a quick buyer like LDN Properties because the entire process should only take a handful of weeks, and that includes the exchange of contracts and paying you the proceeds. The other options of selling with an estate agent, selling at an auction or selling without any help can all take at least several months.

✅ Will I have to pay fees when selling my house or flat with an absence of easement?

You will need to pay commission to an auctioneer or an estate agent if you choose to sell your property using their services, and this charge will increase your total expenses because it will be taken out of the eventual sale proceeds. But you won’t need to pay any fees if you opt to sell your home on your own or if you sell to an honest no-fee quick buyer such as LDN Properties.

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