Selling House with Contaminated Land

There are many residential properties throughout the UK located on contaminated former industrial land, and trying to sell one of these homes can present additional hurdles.

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Your top questions when selling a house with contaminated land

✅ How is contaminated land defined for properties in the UK?

The Environmental Protection Act 1990 says it is land which appears to the local authority in whose area the land is situated to be in such a condition, by reason of substances in, on or under the land, that (a) significant harm is being caused or there is a significant possibility of such harm being caused; or (b) pollution of controlled waters is being, or is likely to be, caused.

✅ If I'm unsure whether my land is contaminated, how can I find out?

There are a few ways to determine whether or not the land at your property is contaminated, and perhaps the simplest would be attempting to contact the previous owner. If this is not possible then you or your legal representative can launch an environmental search that will seek information from the council and other agencies to see if the land is contaminated.

✅ Why might buyers lose interest in a property that has contaminated land?

If you are attempting to sell a flat or house that is situated on contaminated land then you might discover that prospective buyers are reluctant to make an offer for one or more reasons. They may worry that they could be liable for any damage caused due to the contamination, or they could fear health problems and stigma that might be linked to the contaminated land.

✅ Could a buyer get a mortgage for a home on contaminated land?

It’s possible that someone could get approved for a loan to buy your home but you will more likely find that lenders are wary about granting a mortgage for any property on contaminated land. These companies might worry that the home will be impossible to resell in the future if they need to repossess and sell it to recoup their costs should the buyer default on the loan.

✅ Should I try to remediate contamination at my property's land before selling?

You can assess whether you have the money, time and interest needed to pursue remediation work at your property before trying to find a buyer. But you should be aware that it could take many months and possibly thousands of pounds to fix any problems with the land, and this might not be feasible if you’re trying to keep your costs low or sell on a speedy schedule.

✅ How much will I have to pay in fees when selling a home on contaminated land?

When you sell any type of property through an estate agent or at an auction then you will have to pay them commission if they manage to find a buyer for the home, and this will be deducted immediately from the sale proceeds. You can avoid paying any commission if you instead sell without any third-party help or if you sell to a no-fee quick buyer such as LDN Properties.

✅ What is the average timeline for selling a property on land that is contaminated?

If you choose to sell your home to a quick buyer then the overall timeline should not be more than a few short weeks, and this includes the time needed to exchange contracts and pay you the full proceeds. But if you decide instead to sell your property at an auction, via an estate agent or without any assistance then it can take at least several months or more.

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