Why do house sales fall through? Typical reasons

Even if you get an offer to buy your home, the sale might fall through. There are several reasons why this happens, and solutions for some of these problems.

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Questions we get frequently about home sales falling through

We know it can be a stressful situation when a tentative sale doesn’t happen, so we’ve compiled a list of the three questions that we typically get about failed sales:

✅ If my sale falls through, can I try to find another buyer?

Yes. There’s nothing preventing you from trying to secure a new buyer for your house or flat as soon as an existing sale has fallen through. Just be wary when negotiating with the next buyer to avoid the problems that led to the prior sale not happening.

✅ My sale has fallen through, should I try a different approach to selling?

If you tried to sell with an estate agent and the sale collapsed, you could consider another option such as selling the house through auction or alternatively selling it to a trustworthy property buying company like LDN Properties for a quick cash sale.

✅ If the home sale falls through, is it typically the owner's fault?

No. The circumstances for each failed sale are unique, and in many instances it will be an issue at the buyer’s end such as not being able to secure a mortgage to complete the sale. However, sometimes the problem might be at the owner’s end.

✅ What are some of the typical reasons why a sale of a property might collapse?

When the sale of a house or flat falls through, there is usually one main reason and this will vary on a case-by-case basis depending on the property, the buyer and more. But some of the common scenarios where a home sale collapses include the buyer’s survey uncovering problems with the property, the buyer being unable to get a mortgage, and other factors.

✅ What options do I have when I am looking to sell my home?

There are typically four main options to choose from when selling a property, and they are contacting a quick home buyer like LDN Properties, selling with an estate agent, selling at an auction or selling without any help. You will find that there are advantages and disadvantages with all four methods based on key factors like their cost, average duration and more.

✅ Will I be charged commission when selling my property once the sale completes?

Should you choose to sell your property with either an auctioneer or an estate then they will make you pay commission if they find a buyer for the home, and this will add to your expenses because the fee is taken out of the final sale proceeds. You can avoid paying any fees by selling without any assistance or selling to a true zero-fee quick buyer such as LDN Properties.

✅ If my sale actually goes through, how fast will be I able to sell my home?

The amount of time it takes you to sell your property will vary based on which option you select to find a buyer, with the slowest usually being selling without any assistance or selling with an estate agent, which can both take many months, and auctioning can also take several months. Selling to a quick buyer by contrast should only take a handful of weeks to complete.

Has your home sale fallen through? Call us for a quick and fair cash offer

If you’re scrambling to find a new buyer because the sale of your flat or house has suddenly stopped, LDN Properties can help out. By clicking on the "Request Offer" link below, or calling us at 020 7183 3022, you can get a speedy hassle-free offer on your home. We promise a rapid completion process, and won’t charge any fees for buying your property.

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